H&A Can Help Your Company Become A Star
VPP Star Awarded to Black Hills Energy Congratulations!
OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) promotes excellence in safety and health management systems by recognizing facilities which implement outstanding programs. The primary benefits received with VPP recognition include:
• Exemption from OSHA programmed inspections
• Improved health and safety in the workplace
• Lower employee turnover, increased productivity and cost savings
Receiving a VPP Star designation is not a simple accomplishment. Employers submit to a rigorous onsite evaluation by a team of safety and health professionals. To qualify for VPP, as well as maintain certification, a facility must provide and implement a comprehensive health and safety management system.
Assisting Black Hills Energy to become recognized, Hellman & Associates (H&A) worked closely with the company’s management team providing valuable services and expertise. It identified gaps within Black Hills Energy’s programs to meet the arduous requirements and provided services including program reviews and training as well as drafting OSHA required documents.
H&A is one of five consulting companies in the U.S. with the VPP Star designation which gives it a unique opportunity to help change the safety culture of your company. Contact H&A to learn more about the VPP and the benefits it provides.
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